Immigration Resources
Navigating the immigration system can be challenging. This resource center is your starting point. UTR has compiled a collection of valuable information to help you understand the immigration process and access the support you or your students may need.
State Resources
California Attorney General Guidance on Educational Rights of Immigrant Students and Their Families
California Department of Justice "Know Your Educational Rights" Guide
California Department of Justice "Know Your Immigration Rights and Protection Under The Law" Guide
Safe Schools For Immigrant Students AB 699 Implementation Fact Sheet
California Attorney General "Promoting A Safe and Secure Learning Environment For All" Guide
Community Resources
Classroom Based Resources
Introducing the Advocating for All Students: A Social Justice Toolkit
CTA has developed the Advocating for All Students: A Social Justice Toolkit to provide resources for educators to be prepared to ensure our schools are safe havens for all students. This tool kit will help you:
Create a safe zone for your students
Encourage your local school board to adopt the resolution and join us in supporting unity, resolve and resilience in our schools
Report incidents
Speak up and share on social media
Download and display these posters in your school, classroom, and beyond to create welcoming environments and safe zones:
We are the Future Campaign
To learn more about the following High School students fighting for different social justice issues around the US, please go HERE.